A Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage

Sacred Footsteps on the path of Love

Rennes-le-Château, France

22nd September – 5th October,2025

A pilgrimage to Mary Magdalene is a pilgrimage of the heart. If it is calling, perhaps it is time to surrender to the inner call of your soul to take what might be the most profound journey of your life.

A Journey of Healing with the Divine Union of our Feminine and Masculine; we are calling in a deepening devotion to love through a journey of loving acceptance of our wholeness, and a deep inner knowing of our personal and collective Truth.

Find out more…

Sacred Footsteps

The Pilgrimage


Outline Programme


Heed the calling…

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How to book

Sacred Footsteps

Pilgrimage held by Sophia Magdalena (Guide to Sacred Sites), Kerryann May Rose, Daniel Read and Xavier de Forceville.

Mary Magdalene

The energy of Mary Magdalene is very strong right now as she is supporting the evolution of our planet through the Divine Sophia energy to bring back the core teachings of Yeshua to assist in healing our beautiful world.

And for those of us who strongly feel our connection to the Essene, Cathar and Magdalene energy, we gather in the south of France to explore the sacred sites and embody this energy, enriching our spiritual connection with the Divine within us, and opening our hearts.

We travel to Sainte Maximin de la Baume, Mary Magdalene’s Cave, Sainte Maries de la Mer, Montsegur, Rennes les Château, the Fountain of Love, the Druid stones, and climb the holy mountain Bugarach. Our pilgrimage takes us to many more of the sacred Magdalene sites to anchor and hold the space for our own lives to be enriched by the wisdom available and to help heal our collective wounds as a planet.

We allow the magic of these ancient sites to permeate our souls and connect deeply to the Magdalene energy and the divine feminine, incorporating ceremonies to deepen the process whenever possible.

The Pilgrimage is designed to facilitate a deep inner journey with held and guided processes for healing, circles and discussion as well as a connection to sister/brother hood made powerful by the intimacy of a shared spiritual experience.

We intend a sacred container to be experienced and so we are here to hold space for you and your processes.

You are invited to partake in sacred ceremony, activations, offerings, healings and practices that will be weaved throughout our time together.

As these will be offered intuitively in alignment with the group needs, we cannot be so specific to share everything as a schedule here.

Who is this Pilgrimage for?

Both Men and Women who are desiring to deepen their own spiritual embodiment of Mary Magdalene’s and Yeshua’s teachings of Divine Feminine / Masculine Inner Union, supported by workshops, ceremonies, and healing processes of transformation.

For those who wish to have their own spiritual experience of the Sacred Sites and deepen their knowledge of the story of Mary Magdalene and her teachings within a guided and safe container.

For those who are already familiar with Mary Magdalene’s and Yeshua’s teachings, who may have even visited the area before, but who wish for an extended and deepening immersion into the experience.

For those who may be very new to Mary Magdalene’s teachings who have perhaps attended a talk or workshop or read a book but feel a strong compulsion/ Divine Guidance to take a deep dive into her energy and teachings.

Why Join Our Pilgrimage?

This pilgrimage will truly be the experience of a lifetime for those choosing to join us. 

As channels, teachers and facilitators the four of us will hold space for you to embark on an inner journey of healing and transformation to find a level of inner peace and joy only possible through the specific spiritual activations available at the incredibly special sacred sites we’ll be visiting.

The ample variety of stunning landscapes we will traverse will provide an outer reflection of our own inner tapestry bringing Self Appreciation, awareness and connection with the Divine, offering the opportunity to evolve and merge our sacred Masculine and Feminine qualities. 

It’s suitable for anyone with a curiosity to feel who we truly are beneath the sum total of our life experiences, as bearers of Light ushering in a new wave of Consciousness for a rapidly evolving planet. 

Pilgrimages have traditionally been undertaken to connect deeply with One’s heart and Soul by walking in the footsteps of our ancestors and forebears.They potentially offer deep Self discipline and Self mastery by allowing you to let go of standard notions of such a path needing to be linear path and include a beginning, middle and end. Each step on a pilgrimage is a destination in itself, offering a unique opportunity to enter more deeply into the present moment.

The stunning scenes of nature in the South West of France will be the backdrop surrounding us on our sacred walks. Plus, of course, the visceral experience of bathing in sacred water, beholding ancient archeological sites, breathing in the warm countryside air, listening to the birdsong and smelling the delicate scents of the forests we will be walking through. Our pilgrimage will be taking us on a journey walked by Mary Magdalene herself. A powerful connection with the essence of her mystery school teachings is a clear added benefit of this particular journey.



  • Deepening love and connection to the spiritual heart through the transmission of the potent energies of the sacred Mary Magdalene sanctuaries in France. 
  • Deepening into the essence of divine feminine and masculine energies through Mary Magdalene teachings of Christ Consciousness.
  • Connection to past lives / experiences and integrating them into the present for deeper understanding of your soul’s journey. 
  • Connection to Essene Remembrance / of Unity Consciousness 
  • Embodying spirituality and becoming more committed to our daily spiritual practices.
  • Healing through releasing past ancestral wounds, fears and traumas.
  • Being guided by a team who hold the chalice for deepening and awakening as love.


Here we share a brief outline / schedule of our pilgrimage:~

Mary Magdalene statue
Mary Magdalene Statue
Mary Magdalene triptych


22nd September 2025

Leave Marseille by 11.30am and drive to Saint Marie de la Mer where we stay for the evening. This is where the three Mary’s landed and the church of the Black Madonna.

Sarah knew that she was the one chosen, guided, to pull in the boat and greet them and bring them to safety to stay at her house.

We gather there in a ceremony to acknowledge ourselves and each other for being there, for having chosen to be on Pilgrimage together, and sharing our heart’s desires and intentions.

23rd September

Drive to Carcasonne where we walk around the ancient walls and towers and use Healing Sound Activations.

Drive to our main venue near Rennes le Chateau for dinner and sharing circle.

24th September

Heart connection and opening practice / Grounding. Morning gathering and Mary Magdalene teachings as preparation for our soul journey for the week.

Visiting sacred sites, meditations and sound activations. Lemurian Temple. Sacred sharing circle & Mary Magdalene readings.

25th September

Meditation of Inquiry and Love’s Breath.

Rennes Les Bains. Walk to the Source. Ceremony at the Source.

Our preparation. An Initiation Ceremony of washing of feet and baptism.

Affirmation of our Intentions.

Fountain of Love. The Union of Mary and Yeshua. Divine Feminine and Masculine as One. Initiations in Water.

Yoga Nidra before bed.

26th September

Sound Activations Healing the Masculine. Divine Feminine Masculine Sacred Union Embodiment.

Drive to Pic de Bugarach sacred mountain where the Essenes built their Community and where there are powerful connections with multidimensional beings of consciousness.

Optional climb to the Heavens, and search for the Cathedral cave in which Mary Magdalene gathered with all her followers and Essenes, and shared the teachings.

We seek questions and answers within us… of Devotion. On our return, we will visit the chapel in Bugarach.

Fire Ceremony. Releasing the stories and Embodying Truth.

27th September

Embodiment of Sacred Sexuality Practice.

Rennes Les Bains: Walk through the forest, to the Seat of Isis and womb movement practice; ceremony at the Druid stones where there is a very powerful connection with Avalon.

Integration & journalling, sacred sharing circle and manuscript readings.

28th September

Love’s Breath practice.

Early morning to Esperaza Market, where all who have chosen to live in this region, and followers of Mary Magdalene and Pilgrims gather on Sunday mornings.

Drive to The Gorge de Calamus – The Hermitage Mother Mary Cave and Chapel. Meditations.

29th September

Voice Activation Meditation into Divine Union.

Drive to Cave of Bethlehem – meditation on Divine Light and Oneness.

Drive to Montsegur, Cather citadel – Divine Union meditation, Sound Activations. An Alchemy of Love Journey ~ The last stronghold of the Cathars against the Inquisition. Here we may feel the healing of our shadows and past life experiences, as we move through our Fears through compassion to Love.

30th September

Oneness Meditation

Ceremonial Sharing Circle of Embodiment of Truth I Am.

Drive or Walk to Rennes Le Chateau – Mary Magdalene  Chapel, Museum,  Meditation, Isis Temple Walls, Dinner.

1st October 

Depart from our venue at Rennes le Chateau. Drive to Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume where we will be staying for 4 nights. Site-seeing and lunch en route.

Shopping and checking into our new villa.

2nd October 

Morning gathering and preparation for the Mary Magdalene Cave and the Yoni Cave.

We walk up in silent meditation.

Immersing in the Frequency of Mary Magdalene, and relics. Snack lunches outside the Cave.

Sound activations, Ceremonial Initiations at the entrance of Yoni Cave.

Sacred sharing circle.

3rd October

Visit the Basilica of Mary Magdalene in St Maximin de St Baume. Here is where Mary Magdalene was taken by Lazarus, to rest in her sepulchre in the Basilica.

Lunch at cafe in St Maximin  Visiting the town. & shopping.

Ceremonial sharing circle.

4th October 

Integration Day

Cacao Ceremony.

Drive to a river or sea – free, spacious time to integrate the experience.

Closing Gratitude and Love circle.

5th October 

Early morning departure for Marseille airport.

Meet Your Guides & Facilitators


Guide to Sacred Sites


Embodiment Practices


Sacred Sound Channel


Educational Satsangs

Sophia Magdalena

Sophia Magdalena

Support & Offerings During the Pilgrimage

Sophia Magdalena will guide you along the Sacred Footsteps of Love as a guide to the Sacred sites, offering Satsangs on the teachings of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua.

She offers Love’s Breath, a Sacred Tantric Breath practice that came through the channelled teachings of Yeshua, of fully allowing the Breath to consciously release emotional ancestral wounds and through compassion and forgiveness to open to a palpable shift of consciousness, as One with the Divine Source of Love, in Union, healing the wounds of Separation of the Divine Feminine and Masculine.

She will also guide you through a Hieros Gamos journey of Light Consciousness as an Eye Gazing Mandala Breathwork as an embodiment of Oneness.

Sophia Magdalena created the itinerary for this pilgrimage drawing from her many years of experiencing Mary Magdalene’s sacred sites and the conscious transmissions they bring. We will be using the venues and visiting the sites she and a small group visited last year.


Way of Mastery Breath Therapist, Healer, Priestess and Guide to Sacred Sites

Sophia Magdalena has been devoted to the teachings of Mary Magdalene, making her own Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage to France, many times over the past twenty years. She was born in Provence, not far from Saint Baume and the Cave where Mary spent the last years of her life on Earth writing her Gospel.

From early in her life, Sophia followed Mary Magdalene’s Footsteps, devoting her life to Serve and Awaken Love and Peace in the World.

When she moved to Bali, she was guided to meet The Way of Mastery’s channelled teachings of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. She came Home to her Essene Community, and through making her own Inner healing journey of Remembrance, of Divine Love Within as the Source. Sophia mastered the teachings and practices that she now shares in her Awakening Love sessions, workshops and retreats.

Deepening her devotion to the Divine Feminine, led Sophia Magdalena from Bali to her own Mary Magdalene Pilgrimages in France, over many years. Her knowledge and wisdom of the sacredness of the sites she now shares in her retreats and Mary Magdalene Pilgrimages, holding space and guiding others on their own Sacred Path of Love.

Sophia has devoted herself to the clearing and cleansing of conditioned beliefs, empowering both the Feminine and Masculine in connecting consciously in Union, in trust, in intimacy, in returning to the sacredness of our true Divine Essence.

Read more about Sophia Magdalena

KerryAnn May Rose


Support & Offerings During the Pilgrimage

Kerryann will share grounding, embodied practices to support the integration of your experiences throughout the Pilgrimage. She will facilitate a Somatic experience through embodied movement, meditations and integrating body scans / Yoga Nidra enabling deep rest through your process.

As a channel of light language, there will also be the potential for channelled transmissions to be received throughout the Pilgrimage. She will also hold space for emotional processes that may arise within you, when called to. On a more practical level, she will use her 13 years experience as an Event Manager to help support the smooth-running of the Pilgrimage.


Kerryann May Rose’s connection with the essence of Mary Magdalene consciously began in 2017 when she began to channel light language, the Rose essence, and to share wisdom of masculine and feminine integration into her Somatic Restorative offerings to all genders and to Women’s Circles.  

She has spent many years journeying with the Rose and is an active member of The Mary Magdalene school in Vezelay to which she offers her services as content support writer and editor and has attended meditation retreats with the Community. 

Beyond channelling Rose energy, she became attuned to Heart of Mary Magdalene healing with Serephina Temple of Light in Glastonbury which has further enhanced her natural connection and capacity for this divine feminine energy. 

Channel of Sacred Feminine Arts (Embodied Movement, Sacred Healing Arts and Light Language), Practitioner and facilitator of Somatics for Women and Yoni Shakti Yoga and Tantra for Women.

Read more about KerryAnn

Daniel Read

Daniel Read

Support & Offerings During the Pilgrimage

Daniel will be working closely with Sophia Magdalena on our 10 day pilgrimage to hold space for our participants to enjoy the fullest experience of healing, transformation, peace and joy for their time with us. He will offer group sharing sessions to safely support and encourage each member in expressing their feelings and intentions. 

He will be channelling the highest accessible frequencies in each sacred location we visit and bringing through energies using sacred heartsong and light language plus affirmations and mantras offered to him by Spirit that are specific to the collective needs of our group. He will give each member the opportunity to use their own voice to ask Spirit for what their heart is longing for to directly manifest joy and abundance in their own lives beyond the experience of our pilgrimage. 

Daniel will be available in the evenings to do 1 to 1 somatic massages focusing on the release of physical and emotional blockages in the body/mind and personal channelling sessions to clear their energy field and bring clarity and lightness of being to receive the very best from each day. He is looking forward to being fully present for you all to thrive and flourish through this magical journey we are going on together.


Daniel’s own death initiations in overcoming two terminal illnesses have given him unique healing abilities to transmit high dimensional frequencies into the cells. He learned how to reset his body mind spirit awareness to heal itself and transform all fear within him back to Love and Trust.

He trained as an OSHO Rebalancing therapist and learned several energy healing modalities which taught him to connect with the Unconditional Love within Source Light and to channel these frequencies to heal himself and his clients.

The story of Mary Magdalene as represented in the Bible had always seemed unjust and distorted to him so he took time to connect personally with her frequencies as a Divine Channel which revealed to him many parallels in his own journey of blame and shame around sexuality thus prompting a deep dive into healing his own self worth wounds connected to sexuality. He studied Tantra and attended practical workshops to learn how to de-armour the body from its protective shame-based suffering.

Danielnow lives by the sea in Dorset, UK and leads a quiet life with daily spiritual practices such as yoga, light language channelling and sea swimming. He has a deep devotion to his path as a sacred sound healer and channel for the healing and transformation of the Human Spirit.

Read more about Daniel

Xavier de Forceville

Xavier de Forceville

Support & Offerings During the Pilgrimage

Xavier will be leading educational satsangs on sacred celibacy and working on activating personal sexual and lifeforce energies, science and practices of light (miraculous) conception.

He will be sharing practices of awakening and strengthening the body as a preparation for soul upgrades and transfer of consciousness to higher dimensions. He will also be sharing abundance practices from the Cathars and Essenes.


Xavier is a visionary leader working worldwide as an event facilitator, empowerment & business coach, sex love & relationships consultant, and holistic therapist. He is passionate about supporting Men and Women in finding their true powers and manifesting their dreams.

He loves to support the noble values that help living in harmony with nature and people, the Sacred Masculine, the Sacred Feminine, and the Inner Child.

Xavier has a gift of a huge loving heart, a powerful mind, extreme sensitivity, and a lot of courage. He loves helping men and women solve their complex life situations and create harmony.

Read more about Xavier

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be well versed in Magdalene teachings? 

No, although some knowledge, or a deep sense of connection, a book you might have read, would be beneficial.

You are welcome in your curiosity. 


How fit do I need to be?

So long as you are able to walk with sufficient breaks, there is no other fitness requirement.

How much walking is involved? 

Most days we will be  walking for  2- 3 hrs in total, with time for devotion, transmissions, journaling and integration at the Sacred Sanctuaries.

Climbing Bugarch and coming down can take 5-6 hrs.  This day can be an optional choice for those who feel this might be challenging physically. 

There are alternative shorter walks from the venue and time in which to relax.


Do I need adequate walking shoes / boots? 

Yes, walking shoes or trainers with adequate grip will suffice. 


Are solo travellers safe / welcome?

Yes, you are very welcome and you are safely held in the energy of the group. Shared spiritual experiences can create a bonding and sense of belonging, along with the past memories of being part of the Essene community.

Is this retreat accessible for those with restricted mobility?

It does require walking therefore if you have restricted mobility it would not be possible to make this Pilgrimage.

Do you cater for food allergies and special diets?

Yes. If your diet is very restrictive, please contact me to discuss before booking.

Do I need to attend all the workshops?

Our workshops at the venues are optional.

What is the average age range?

We are open to all who feel the call to join us.

How many people will be on the pilgrimage?

Maximum of 16 

Is a shorter or longer stay possible?

You may make your own arrangements to stay longer at your own cost at the Hostellerie in St Baume. 

Are the dates flexible or do you have any other retreat dates than this one? 

These are the fixed dates for this Pilgrimage. We hope to offer Pilgrimages yearly as an evolving invitation to deepen our spiritual practices.

Is the program flexible? Do I have to join all of the visits to sites?

Yes the program is flexible and should you need time for integration, the option to stay at the venue is always there.

Benefits of Joining the Pilgrimage

Deepening love and connection to the spiritual heart through the transmission of the potent energies of the sacred Mary Magdalene sanctuaries in France.

Deepening into the essence of divine feminine and masculine energies through Mary Magdalene teachings of Christ Consciousness

Connection to past lives / experiences and integrating them into the present for deeper understanding of your soul’s journey

Connection to Essene Remembrance / of Unity Consciousness

Embodying spirituality and becoming more committed to our daily spiritual practices

Healing through releasing past ancestral wounds, fears and traumas.

Being guided by a team who hold the chalice for deepening and awakening as love.


Booking & Payment

We look forward to welcoming you

The Pilgrimage INCLUDES

  • 13 days, 13 nights venue accommodations.
  • Rooms are double occupancy at our main retreat venue near Rennes Le Chateau– if you are not booking with someone you will be matched up during the trip.

Please note that due to the structure of rooms at the retreat venue some of the rooms are triple.

  • 13 breakfasts and 9 dinners
  • Ground transportation during the tour
  • Workshops, Ceremonies and group processes
  • Entrance fees to all activities described in this itinerary for places we are visiting as a group.
  • Transport from Marseille Airport airport and Central train station, and to the airport on the final day of the pilgrimage

Pilgrimage does NOT INCLUDE

  • International Airfare and any travel costs to get to Marseille
  • Travel Insurance
  • Lunch and any meals outside our venues.
  • Any costs incurred on the days when you are exploring on your own during free times.

NOTE : Men are very welcome to allow for a balance of masculine and feminine energy. You can come with a partner / friend or you will be matched with another man for the double occupancy.

Women will be matched with other women for the double occupancy.



 £1,920 or 2,280 EUROS

FROM 1st JULY 2025:

£2,220 or 2,640 EUROS

A reservation requires a non-refundable deposit of £300, 350 euros to secure your space.

The balance of payment should be paid by the 22nd August, 2025.

Please register your interest in joining our pilgrimage and ask any questions by emailing us at breathe@sophia-magdalena.com

There are a limited number of spaces, so please contact us soon to secure your place.


Payments are non refundable after 22nd August, 2025, so we advise you to take out travel insurance early to cover you in case you need to cancel.

Prior to 22nd August 2025, you will be refunded 50%  (excludes non-refundable deposit).


Email: breathe@sophia-magdalena.com

Sophia Magdalena Whatsapp. +44 7942145696

Payments can be made as Bank Transfers, through wise.com or Credit Card Payments through STRIPE account – see below.

Bank account details:

Ms Verena Joan Elizabeth Mostyn

Sort 20-25-69

Acct No 63305317


IBAN GB29 BARC 2025 6963 3053 17


Pay £300 non-refundable Deposit to secure your place and to register.


Pay £1,620 remaining balance before 22  August, 2025


Or pay £1,920 in full. PAY IN FULL